Renee and I have become friends through some different kind of circumstances. Her daughter and my oldest daughter, Isabella, are sisters. We have both been through some difficult situations which has also allowed us to bond and become friends. No matter what, we both know that everything happens for a reason and we are super thankful for our girlies!! We try to get together everytime I come to town (in Atlanta) and let our girls play together so that they can grow up knowing each other. Elisabeth, my youngest daughter, isn't actually Renee's daughter, Rayna's, sister but she might as well be. She enjoys hanging out and playing with Rayna just as much as Isabella! Isabella and Rayna being in our lives is just a constant reminder that something great and amazing can come out of a bad situation. There is always a silver lining!
The most recent visit I had we decided to get them together and take some cute pictures of them.
Our three girlies together.
I also snapped a few of Isabella and Rayna together. Isabella was made to be a big sister. She just steps right into the role naturally. I LOVE it!
I couldn't let Renee get away without getting in some of the pics. Rayna loves her mommy and just wanted to love and kiss on her the whole time!
If you know me at all you know I couldn't leave without getting of few of my girlies.
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