{Lifestyle Session} Preston 3 Months

I have followed Preston's mommy since before he was even thought about. I have actually know her since my Isabella was a newborn! WOW that was over 5 years ago!?!?! Man time goes so fast!! Well here we are 5 years later and Melissa has this handsome little boy! I LOVE catching up with him every time I head down to one of my favorite places ever....ATLANTA!!! Can't wait for our next session in October! You will be seeing his daddy and sister in that session.


  1. Look at Baby Preston! He is the cutest little baby Melissa!! Congrats to you and Beau :)

    1. Thank you! May I ask who this is?

  2. So so precious!! He looks so much like his momma!!!

  3. Thanks guys! he really is a character!
