{Free Session} 9-11 Armed Forces and Public Service Professionals

For my generation, 9-11 is one of the moments that as soon as someone mentions it you think back to exactly what you were doing at that moment when you found out that those horrific attacks happened. We all know someone or know of someone who knew somebody in or around New York when those attacks took place. I am still amazed at all the brave men and woman that risked their lives in order to save other people that day. I still can't watch the documentaries on that terrible day without getting super emotional. In honor of the 11 year anniversary of that day I would like to give a FREE session to one of the MANY deserving families that are in the armed forces or a public service professional (police, firefighter, ems/emt).

Details of how to enter to win a FREE session.

* Email me a picture of a person in your life that you feel deserves to receive a FREE session to byingtonphotography@yahoo.com (The picture can be of you, someone in your life, someone you know in another family, etc.)

*Along with the picture include a brief descripition of why you arthink this person derserves to win. As a wife to a police offiver and the cousin to a person in the army, I know just how amazing public service professionals and people in the armed forces are. Tell us why they are as amazing as they are!

*Once I receive your picture in my email I will upload it to the Armed Forces/Public Service Professionals album along with your description of why they are amazing. :) That way everyone can read your beautiful story of how these people are so amazing.

*You wil have until Saturday September 22 to email me your picture. On Sunday September 23 I will have 3 people read all the stories and decide on a winner for the FREE SESSION!!

***The winner will receive a FREE session!!! ***

I can't wait to read all the stories of the wonderful people in your lives!!!!

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